Please be aware that dance is a form of art that sometimes requires 'hands on' tutoring to enable students to create the correct movements and positioning.
This is always conducted with upmost professionalism.
Parents are not permitted in the studio whilst classes are running. If your child has to be assisted for medical reasons, they will need to be accompanied by a medical nurse.
Photo and video footage containing your child may be used for our website, social media, press, marketing, promotional purposes or as a learning tool. By signing our registration form, you understand that you are consenting for your child to be a part of this.
We hold and use the information you have provided in compliance with our privacy policy. You consent to us contacting you using the information you have provided.
Students attending acro (not including pre-school) must also attend a technique class for safety reasons.
Similarly students who attend tap and/or combined club must also attend a technique class to help aid style and performance.
Technique classes are ballet, modern and/or street.
Ballet, modern, tap and acro uniform may only be purchased from the Harwood Dance shop. Any uniform purchased elsewhere will be asked to be returned. Ballet shoes must be purchased form Harwood Dance where they can be fitted correctly to prevent damaged feet.
Street uniform must be ordered from the merchandise menu page above or at https://www.universaluniformshop.co.uk/find-your-club/harwood-dance.html.
Harwood Dance leggings for girls and skinny pants for boys and a plain black T-shirt is compulsory. Our Harwood Dance tops are optional.
The correct uniform for your class must be worn and named.
Hair must be in a classical bun for all classes except street where we allow hair to be in a ponytail.
You are entitled to a free trial lesson in any class suitable for your child's age. Should you then choose to enrol, fees are charged in advance in blocks of 10 weeks. Fees must be paid within 14 days of your invoice, otherwise a 10% surcharge will be incurred. If your child is unable to attend a lesson, the fees will not be refunded.
We require half a term's notice (5 weeks) should you decide to stop taking lessons. This notice period will be waived if you decide to withdraw within the first five weeks of joining.
Please note - notice does not include holidays.
We may, in extreme circumstances, have to hold some of our classes online (e.g. during a pandemic). Attending online classes is as compulsory as attending classes in the studio.
If a lesson has to be cancelled, we will wherever possible arrange for a substitute lesson and no refund will be given. If the class cannot be held at another time, a refund will be issued.
In case of treacherous weather conditions beyond our control, we may need to cancel a session which will not be refunded. We will, however, reschedule where possible.
Please collect your child/children from within the building. We ask that no children wait in the car parks.
Once students leave the dance studio, they become your responsibility.